Mission Statement
Unfolding Adoptees provides Christian adult adoptees with an honest community in which they tell their stories to share encouragement and insight that is grounded in Biblical truth and Christlike love.
Adoption creates a unique set of issues for adoptive families, and many questions are specific to adoptees. Since adoption did not begin to grow in popularity in the United States until the late 1970s, it is only recently that a significant number of adoptees have entered adulthood. There were few resources created for adoptees to help them process adoption specific questions, and even fewer of these resources were created by or for adult adoptees.
Now, there is a critical mass of adoptees entering their 40s. There is a growing realization among this group that, despite the fact that every person has a unique story, there are often shared questions that they have had to process alone since they were rarely connected with adoptee peers. The act of sharing stories and connecting with other adoptees is itself a restorative act. This is why we exist — we are building a community of adoptees that encourages each other and helps fellow adoptees better understand how and why adoption impacts them.
Who We Are
Gospel Centered Connection
While we want to share many perspectives, Unfolding Adoptees aims to ground our community in the Gospel. Our stories are unique, but as Christians we believe that the common questions of origin and identity find their ultimate answer in Christ. We do not mean this in a trite way — please do not shy away from difficult questions or topics. The Gospel is wide enough to face challenging questions head-on. At Unfolding Adoptees, we believe God does not ignore human pain. Instead, He speaks into that pain with hope.
Aaron was adopted from Korea and grew up in an interracial family in New York. Adoption was not a key part of his story until his 30s, when he began to reflect on its impact on his life. He now works in finance, has a counseling degree, and is passionate about helping other adoptees. He lives with his family in Pennsylvania.
Elizabeth is a domestic adoptee who did not start processing her adoption until college. She is an attorney but, due to a combination of health issues, does not practice. Instead, she embraces opportunities to invest in groups she believes in, three of which are adoption related. Theologically, she is particularly encouraged by what the Doctrine of the Incarnation reveals about Christ’s heart for us when we are suffering. Elizabeth lives in Colorado with her husband, who is also adopted, and two dogs.
Sandeep faced horrible tragedy and trauma as a young child in India. However, in the providence of God he was adopted by a loving couple in the U.S at age 6 which dramatically changed the course of his life. He currently works in the tech field and has a passion to help other adoptees see purpose and the hope of Christ in their lives. He lives with his wife and family in Washington.