Zoom Community Discussion

Tiana Hawver is an adoptee and skilled documentarian. She will lead us in a discussion about her documentary, Reconnecting the Dots. Her documentary follows her personal story while exploring important topics surrounding birth families, searching, and reunification.

Prior to the event, we will provide a link to her documentary to watch before the event. The documentary is approximately 40 minutes long. We strongly recommend watching the documentary prior to the event, but you are still welcome to join if you haven’t watched it.

Please Note: This is an ADOPTEES ONLY event. If you are not an adoptee, please do not register. While we hope that Unfolding Adoptees will be a helpful resource for non-adoptees, this event is limited to the adoptee community. We welcome non-adoptees to join us in other ways—such as reading pieces written by adoptees on our website or engaging with us on Instagram. Thank you!