Things Not Seen

“I thought I was pretty well adjusted. I could articulate my feelings about being adopted clearly, and I had made peace with the perpetual unanswered questions that come with being adopted. There was just one catch—my physical body didn’t agree.”

Life of an Indian Adoptee

“I definitely feel that if I wasn’t adopted my life would be different and probably better. Adoptees are taken from everything, their culture, family, birth mother, country, and people expect us to be ok. My number one trauma growing up, and still until this day, is not knowing who my birth mother is. It’s been frustrating to know how many birthdays, holidays, graduations, and achievements of mine that she’s missed.”

Hope for India’s Orphans

“There is Hope. I came from the streets to become a proud, hardworking family man with the help of loved ones whom I call family. Without them I would not exist. One decision from my parents gave me a life that I am so thankful for. Imagine the impact we can make in other children’s lives if we just step out and love.”